Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Plain flour or maida (1 1/2c),
ghee (1tbsp),
water (1c),
jiggery (1/2c),
cardamom powder (1/4tsp)
ghee to deep fry.

Method of preparation:-
Take a pan, place it over heat. Heat water and jiggery in it until it gets dissolve. Strain it and keep it to cool. Take a bowl, put flour in it and add ghee and cardamom in the flour. Knead the flour with the jiggery water to make soft dough. Divide the dough into 20 parts and then knead each part with your palm and then roll it into 4 inches rounds. Take knife or fork to make many tiny slits on each round on its both sides. Keep them aside on a clean cloth to dry a bit. Now put them in hot ghee to deep fry on low heat until get light golden in colour. Drain them and cool them. When the khajas get cool then they become crisper and harder. Keep them to cool and then store them in air tight container.

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